
Affliatin of College

1. Affiliation of college by Govt. through letter No-475 dated 05-05-1983 with effect from 1980-81 (BA&B.Sc pass course).
2. Permanent affiliation of pass course (BA&B.Sc) by Govt. through letter No-533 dated 01-07-1994 with effect from 1990-91.
3. Permanent affiliation of B.Sc Hons (Phy,chem,Bot & Zool) by Govt. through letter No-1629 dated 04-08-08.
4. Permanent affiliation of Arts and Commerce by Govt. through letter No-1850 dated 08-10-13.
5. Temporary affiliation of Home Sc, Sociology, Sankrit and L.S.W Honsby Govt. through letter No-813 dated 01-04-19 for the session 2019-20.